Experience the benefits of smarter shopping with the Brugseni app—a comprehensive tool designed to enhance your shopping journey at Kalaallit Nunaanni Brugseni. Enjoy a wealth of perks as a member, from browsing the latest weekly offers to discovering exclusive deals, all at your fingertips.
Embrace the added advantage of Divi Plussi rewards, a loyalty program that earns you an extra 3% discount on most purchases, along with special weekly deals visible within. These rewards accumulate swiftly with every transaction, providing the flexibility to utilize them for future payments, alongside traditional methods and digital options like MobilePay.
Staying updated ensures that you're always in the loop with additional opportunities to garner extra Divi Plussi points, along with localized promotions tailored to your designated store. Such personalized touch extends to the provision of store-specific news and events, making your shopping experience truly bespoke.
Crafting your shopping list is seamlessly integrated into the functionality. Simply select offers within the digital flyer to populate your list, or dictate items directly—making your preparation for a store visit simpler.
Beyond savings, this platform serves as a culinary companion, offering a trove of recipes and food inspirations to elevate your cooking prowess. Take advantage of these resources to indulge in delectable, healthy meals without stretching your budget.
For complete financial oversight, your digital receipts are stored, ensuring an organized overview of expenditures. And with language options catering to both Danish and Greenlandic speakers, it guarantees an inclusive and user-friendly interface.
Join the community of savvy shoppers using the game to revolutionize their shopping experience—all while reaping rewards and enjoying unparalleled convenience.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
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